Massachusetts child custody is based on the best interests of the child. If the parents cannot agree to what is in the best interests of the child, then it is necessary to convince the court why a party’s position is in the best interests of the child.
The client and I work collaboratively to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the case in order to present the most compelling argument before the court. I can assist you with the following types of child custody issues:
At our firm, we handle all types of family law cases including the matter of child custody. We know that each parent has legitimate interests at stake in custody disputes. Hence, we at the Law Office of Wyckoff Nissenbaum tend to provide great support as Child Custody lawyer near Somerville, MA
If you are seeking parenting time with your child(ren), then you need to petition the appropriate probate and family Court. The type of pleading that you are required to file is dependent on your current situation.
In order to permanently remove your child out of state without the permission of the other parent it is necessary to get the approval of the court.