Am I Ready for Divorce ? - Divorce and Family Law Lawyers

Am I Ready For Divorce?

Ready for Divorce

Divorce does not begin with legal representation in front of the Judge. Long before a divorcee decides to pursue a divorce, an analysis of whether or not the spouse should stay married is done. Obviously, this decision should not be taken lightly. Many spouses will find themselves in this situation and will not know whether they are ready for divorce or not.

Spouses often find themselves in counseling. While counseling is a viable option, articles such as the following are a low cost, private, and non-committal alternative to counseling. Susan Pease Gadoua, Author of Contemplating Divorce, A Step-by-Step Guide to Deciding Whether to Stay or Go wrote a Huffington Post article titled, Knowing If Your Marriage is “Workable”. The article provides an introduction to the thought process of getting divorced and makes the spouse examine their marriage and the underlying reasons for either staying or leaving.

The above article and others like it are good tools to spur self reflection. A good article challenges a spouse to think about why they may want a divorce. As stated above, there is no one size fits all reason to get ready for divorce and only the spouse truly knows whether or not it is the best thing to do. As a divorce lawyer, I am able to be most effective when a client comes into the office with an understanding of why the marriage failed.

If you are not sure whether divorce is right for you or have a friend who you know may be thinking about getting a divorce, then take the time to read the above article or share the article with your friend. The combination of legal and non-legal advice will put a divorcee in the best possible position to have a successful divorce.